11 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi

How to Generate RSS Feeds

' Write out the XML Version Identifier, Document Type
' Identifier, RSS Version Identifier and Start Channel Data
' tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN" "http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-
<rss version="0.91">
' Write out the Channel Title tag, Channel Title Link (URL)
' tag, Channel Description tag, Channel Language tag, Start
' Image Data tag, Image ALT Text tag, Image Location (URL) tag,
' Image Link (URL) tag and End Image Data tag.
' Change the information within these tags to suit your
' website.
<title>Purple Pages - Content Channel</title>
<description>Internet Content and Syndication Resources,
Directories, Articles, Tutorials &amp;
<language>en-gb</language> <image>
<title>Purple Pages</title>
' We are now ready to connect to the database and retrieve the
' last 6 articles published. Although in this example we are
' going to have just six items, RSS 0.91 allows up to 15.' Setup and open a connection to the database.
' You wll need to modify the database connection to
' reflect your database.
strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
Set objConn = strConnect
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")' Setup a RecordSet to store the results from our SQL Query.
Set artRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")' Execute some SQL against the Database and store the results
' in artRec.
' In this example the articles we want are stored in a table
' called "dbtable".
' We have a field called "category" and we only want articles
' where category=9.
' "auto" is an autonumber field used to generate unique ids for
' each article.
' Ordering by auto in descending order, will retrieve the
' articles in order of the latest published date.
' You will need to modify this statement to reflect your
' database's structure. set artRec = objConn.execute("SELECT * FROM dbtable
where category = 9 order by auto desc;")' Set a variable to 0, which will be used to count how many
' times we loop through the recordset.
x=0' Loop through the recordset to retrieve our rows of data.
while not artRec.eof' In this example we only want the last 6 articles.
' Starting at 0 when x reaches 6 it will exit the loop.
if x<6 then' The next 5 lines simply write out the remaining chunks of XML
' to complete the RSS file.
' "intro" is the name of the database field that contains the
' introduction
' "title" is the name of the database field that contains the
' title of the article.
' "auto" is the name of the database field that contains the
' auto no. of the article.
' You will need to modify this statement to reflect your
' database's structure.
' Remember if your query string contains "&" it must be written
' as "&amp;amp;".
response.write "<item>"
response.write "<title>"& artRec("title") &"</title>"
response.write "<link>http://www.purplepages.ie/article.asp?
auto="& artRec("auto") &"</link>"
response.write "<description>"& artRec("intro")
response.write "</item>" end if' Increment the counter by 1 eachtime the loop goes round
x=x+1' Loop
wend' Close the database connections and set the recordset equal to
' nothing
set artRec = nothing
set objConn = nothing
' Write out the End Channel Data tag and End RSS tag.