18 Temmuz 2007 Çarşamba

Enhanced Split and Join functions

Option Explicit

' API Declarations
Private Declare Function StrCSpnI Lib "shlwapi" Alias "StrCSpnIA" _
(ByVal StringSearched As String, ByVal Characters As String) As Long

' Enums
Public Enum PadType
End Enum

Public Function SplitString(ByVal toSplit As String, _
Optional ByVal SplitChars As String = " ", _
Optional ByVal EscapeChar As String = "\", _
Optional ByVal TrimStrings As Boolean = True) _
As String()

' Arguments :
' toSplit - String to be Splitted
' SplitChars - Delimiters that are used for Splitting the String (Default : Space)
' EscapeChar - The Escape Character (if precedes a Split Character, the Split
' Character is recognized as a literal) (Default : Back Slash)
' TrimStrings - If True, trims the returned Strings in the Array, else the spaces are
' returned as-is.
' Returns : The Splitted String Array
' Notes : This function is slower than the Split() counterpart. It's slows down as the length of the
' string increases. But, it provides you two things that Split() does not provide.
' 1. It allows multiple delimiters (called SplitChars here)
' 2. What if you want to represent the delimiter itself ? For e.g., if you have
' - as the delimiter and you want to pass A-B as an argument ?. For this, this function
' allows you to have one Escape Character. Instead of passing A-B, you pass the argument as
' A\-B in this case.

Dim retArray() As String ' The returned array of results
Dim tempString As String ' The Temporary Buffer
Dim arrLength As Long ' No. Of Splitted Parts
Dim isEscapeChar As Boolean ' Was a Escape Character found ?
Dim FoundPos As Long ' The position at which the Split Character was found

ReDim retArray(0 To 0) ' Hmm.. Looks like bad example of Initializing an array
arrLength = -1 ' No of split parts - 1

If EscapeChar <> "" Then
EscapeChar = Left$(EscapeChar, 1) ' Only one character can be allowed as the EscapeCharacter
End If

If Len(toSplit) = 0 Then ' No String, nothing to do ...
SplitString = retArray
Exit Function
End If

If Len(SplitChars) = 0 Then ' No Splitting to be done
SplitString = retArray
Exit Function
End If

' To avoid Redimensioning Array many times within the loop, we dimension the array to the
' maximum possible extent and waste some memory
ReDim retArray(0 To 10)

toSplit = toSplit & Chr$(0)
SplitChars = SplitChars & Chr$(0)

' Use the SHLWAPI function to search for String matches
FoundPos = StrCSpnI(toSplit, SplitChars)

' The String before the Split Character (if any) should be "splitted"
' unless there is a Escape Character preceding the Split Character
FoundPos = FoundPos + 1 ' Remember ? C Strings start with a Zero Index

Select Case FoundPos
Case Len(toSplit), 0
arrLength = arrLength + 1

If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then
ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory
End If

If isEscapeChar Then
retArray(arrLength) = tempString & toSplit ' Whatever is remaining
retArray(arrLength) = toSplit
End If

If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength))
Exit Do

Case Is > 1
' Check for Escape Character
If Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1, 1) = EscapeChar Then
' The Split Character is intepreted as an ordinary literal.
isEscapeChar = True

' Remove everything before the Escape Character for temporary storage
If Len(toSplit) > 2 Then
tempString = Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 2) & Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos, 1)
Else ' The Escape Character is the First Character
tempString = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos)
End If

' To avoid "finding" the Escaped Split Character again, we rip that part
If Len(toSplit) > FoundPos + 1 Then
toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos + 1)
' The String has ended with the Escaped Split Character. Now
' this is the last part of the string that must be stored in the
' Split Array. Just do that !
arrLength = arrLength + 1

If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then
ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory
End If

retArray(arrLength) = tempString
If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength))
Exit Do
End If

Else ' No Escape Character
arrLength = arrLength + 1

If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then
ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory
End If

' We might have left-overs of an Escaped Split Character
If isEscapeChar Then
retArray(arrLength) = tempString & Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1)
isEscapeChar = False
retArray(arrLength) = Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1)
End If

If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength))

' Remove that Part
If Len(toSplit) > FoundPos + 1 Then
toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos + 1)
' No more string to be splitted. Re-dimenstion the array.
Exit Do
End If
End If

Case 1
' The Split Character is at the First Position
If Len(toSplit) > 1 Then
toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, 2)
Exit Do
End If
End Select

ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength)
toSplit = ""

SplitString = retArray

End Function

Public Function Pad(ByVal argString As String, ByVal TotalLength As Long, _
Optional ByVal Direction As PadType = padCenter, _
Optional ByVal PadCharacter As String = " ") As String
' Pads a String using another string to the specified length (Memories of XBase ?)

If argString = "" Then Exit Function

If TotalLength <= Len(argString) Then
Pad = Left$(argString, TotalLength)
Exit Function
End If

PadCharacter = Left$(PadCharacter, 1)

If Direction = padCenter Then
PadCharacter = String$((TotalLength - Len(argString)) \ 2, PadCharacter)
PadCharacter = String$(TotalLength - Len(argString), PadCharacter)
End If

Select Case Direction
Case padLeft
Pad = PadCharacter & argString

Case padRight
Pad = argString & PadCharacter

Case Else
Pad = PadCharacter & argString & PadCharacter
If Len(Pad) < TotalLength Then
Pad = Space$(TotalLength - Len(Pad)) & Pad
End If
End Select
End Function

Public Function JoinString(StringIn() As String, _
ByVal JoinCharacter As String, Optional ByVal EscapeChar As String = "\") As String

' Arguments : StringIn - Array of Strings to be joined
' JoinCharacter - Character used for joining strings in the array
' EscapeChar - If the Escape Character or Join Character is found in a string
' it is preceded by the EscapeChar. The resulting string can be
' used with the SplitStrting Function.
' Returns : The joined String
' Comments : Ever tried to Join the Strings "a","b","c,d" using Comma as the delimiter ?
' You don't have to figure out which is the delimiter and which comma is the
' literal. With JoinString(), you always know what you are getting.

Dim I As Long, LastPos As Long

' Argument validation
If EscapeChar = "" Then EscapeChar = "\"
If JoinCharacter = "" Then JoinCharacter = " "
If Len(JoinCharacter) > 1 Then JoinCharacter = Left$(JoinCharacter, 1)

For I = LBound(StringIn) To UBound(StringIn)
If InStr(1, StringIn(I), JoinCharacter, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
StringIn(I) = Replace(StringIn(I), JoinCharacter, EscapeChar & JoinCharacter, 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
End If

' Join 'em
JoinString = JoinString & StringIn(I) & JoinCharacter

' Remove the last Join Character
JoinString = Left$(JoinString, Len(JoinString) - 1)

End Function